• Packaged food may lead to BPA exposure -- study

    Updated: 2011-03-31 01:27:53
    BPA is a chemical used in manufacturing of clear, shatterproof plastics such as baby bottles, food-storage containers also as liners of metal food cans. “BPA has been shown to mimic the hormone estrogen, and exposure has been associated with effect on the developing brain, reproductive system, and mammary and prostate glands in laboratory studies,” explained the authors in a summery report released jointly by the Breast Cancer Fund and Silent Spring Institute. read more

  • Scientists discover crucial trigger for tumour protein

    Updated: 2011-03-30 18:00:00
    Scientists have discovered an essential protein that controls inflammation induced by 'tumour necrosis factor' (TNF) - an important part of the body's defences against infection and a driver of cancer-associated inflammation, according to research published in Nature today (Wednesday).

  • Mar 30, my mom has colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-30 01:44:21
    I am 10 and my mom has colon cancer stage 2. Can you tell me about colon cancer?

  • Cancer Research UK leads global lung cancer drug trial

    Updated: 2011-03-29 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists in Oxford are trialling an experimental drug to treat lung cancer patients who have stopped responding to initial chemotherapy treatment. The trial will take place at the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust.

  • Combination treatment halves deaths from locally advanced prostate cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-28 11:43:00
    A treatment approach that combines radiotherapy with six months of prior hormone therapy could halve the risk of death from locally advanced prostate cancer - disease that has spread to the nearby tissue or organs.

  • The Future of breast cancer prevention

    Updated: 2011-03-28 00:01:00
    Drugs could be used to prevent breast cancer in women at high risk of the disease in the same way that statins are used for heart disease if trials looking at ways of predicting risk are successful, according to an international panel of cancer experts.

  • Mar 27, Colonoscopy following a burst and abscessed appendix 7 month ago?

    Updated: 2011-03-27 20:29:14
    I had an orange size abscess after a burst appendix and was treated on IV in hospital for a week and 4 weeks after with oral antibiotics. That was 7 months

  • Mar 27, Alcohol permitted before a colonoscopy?

    Updated: 2011-03-27 20:28:07
    If I have a glass of white wine the evening before my colonoscopy will it affect the outcome

  • Mar 27, Adenocarcinoma, Rectum

    Updated: 2011-03-27 20:27:35
    Doctor has stated that he will provide radiation and pain medication to relieve pain and suffering. He has indicated the cancer is in a stage IV. What

  • Mar 27, How to detect colon cancer?

    Updated: 2011-03-27 20:27:07
    what test to find the colon cancer more clearly and how to understand stage of cancer ?

  • Mar 27, What to think about with a family history of cancer?

    Updated: 2011-03-27 20:25:58
    I'm a 42 year old mother of three daughters. Two granddaughters. My maternal grandmother died at 43. She had colorectal and bone cancer when she passed.

  • Mar 27, Alternative colonoscopy preparation

    Updated: 2011-03-27 20:05:05
    I am getting request from patients for colon hydrotherapy to cleanse and prepare them for colonoscopy procedures. Many Gastroenterologist are not familiar

  • A new colon cancer marker

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:04
    A research team at the University of Colorado Cancer Center has identified an enzyme that could be used to diagnose colon cancer earlier. It is possible that this enzyme also could be a key to stopping the cancer. Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in Americans, with a one in 20 chance of developing it, as per the American Cancer Society. This enzyme biomarker could help physicians identify more colon cancers and do so at earlier stages when the cancer is more successfully treated........

  • Colorectal cancer screening disparities

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:04
    Individuals from certain areas of the United States are more likely to get screened for colorectal cancer than those from other areas, especially when comparing non-whites living in different parts of the country. That is the conclusion of a newly released study published early online in Cancer, a peer-evaluated journal of the American Cancer Society. Additional research is needed to better understand how colorectal cancer screening disparities develop in some regions and not in others........

  • Body weight colon cancer mortality link

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:03
    Postmenopausal women diagnosed with colon cancer appears to be at increased risk of death if they fail to maintain a healthy body weight before cancer diagnosis, as per a research studyreported in the recent issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research........

  • Barriers to screening for colorectal cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:02
    Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Despite evidence and guidelines supporting the value of screening for this disease, rates of screening for colorectal cancer are consistently lower than those for other types of cancer, particularly breast and cervical. Although the screening rates in the target population of adults over age 50, have increased from 20-30 percent in 1997 to nearly 55 percent in 2008 the rates are still too low. An NIH state-of-the-science panel was convened this week to identify ways to further increase the use and quality of colorectal cancer screening in the United States........

  • Virtual colonoscopy is effective

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:02
    Computed tomographic colonography (CTC), also known as virtual colonoscopy, remains effective in screening older patients for colorectal cancer (CRC), produces low referral for colonoscopy rates similar to other screening exams now covered by Medicare, and does not result in unreasonable levels of additional testing resulting from extracolonic findings, as per a research studyreported in the recent issue of Radiology........

  • Starving the colon cancer cells

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:01
    Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have discovered how two cancer-promoting genes enhance a tumor's capacity to grow and survive under conditions where normal cells die. The knowledge, they say, may offer new therapys that starve cancer cells of a key nutrient - sugar. However, the researchers caution that research does not suggest that altering dietary sugar will make any difference in the growth and development of cancer........

  • CT imaging taken post avastin

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:01
    Using routine computed tomography (CT) imaging to analyze form and structural changes to colorectal liver metastasis after bevacizumab and chemotherapy may predict overall survival, as per research from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. The findings appear in the Dec. 2 issue of JAMA.......

  • Significant Benefits of F-FDG PET in Evaluating Colorectal Liver Metastases

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:09:00
    The Access to Medical Imaging Coalition (AMIC) announced recently that a study published in this month's Journal of Nuclear Medicine demonstrated the tremendous benefits of advanced imaging in the assessment of colorectal liver metastases. Dr. Theo Ruers lead a team of scientists in evaluating the benefits of F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) when combined with computed tomography (CT), and its ability to diagnose and stage hepatic growths far more effectively than standard CT alone. The study was presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine annual meeting in 2008 and received the Siemens Award for Excellence in Practice-Based Research........

  • Surgery for late-stage colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:59
    A newly released study shows that a great majority of patients who present with advanced colorectal cancer that has spread to other organs (stage IV) don't require immediate surgery to remove the primary tumor in the colon. Scientists from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) presented their data today at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting........

  • Obesity predicts inadequate bowel prep at colonoscopy

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:59
    Obesity is an independent predictor of inadequate bowel preparation at colonoscopy, and the presence of additional risk factors further increases the likelihood of a poorly cleansed colon, as per a newly released study in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the official journal of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute........

  • How high-fiber diet protects you from colon cancer?

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:58
    Though a high-fiber diet has long been considered good for you and beneficial in staving off colon cancer, Medical College of Georgia scientists have discovered a reason why: roughage activates a receptor with cancer-killing potential. Scientists report in the recent issue of Cancer Research that the GPR109A receptor is activated by butyrate, a metabolite produced by fiber-eating bacteria in the colon. The receptor puts a double-whammy on cancer by sending signals that trigger cell death, or apoptosis, and shutting down a protein that causes inflammation, a precursor to cancer........

  • Regular exercise to prevent colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:57
    An ambitious newly released study has added considerable weight to the claim that exercise can lower the risk for colon cancer. Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Harvard University combined and analyzed several decades worth of data from past studies on how exercise affects colon cancer risk. They observed that people who exercised the most were 24 percent less likely to develop the disease than those who exercised the least........

  • Predicting recurrence in colorectal cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:57
    (PHILADELPHIA) Findings reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association by scientists at Thomas Jefferson University show that the presence of a biomarker in regional lymph nodes is an independent predictor of disease recurrence in patients with colorectal cancer. Detection of the biomarker, guanylyl cyclase 2C (GUCY2C), indicates the presence of occult metastases in lymph nodes that may not have been identified by current cancer staging methods, as per Scott Waldman, M.D., Ph.D., chairman of the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University........

  • New drug to prevent colon cancer in making

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:56
    Scientists at the Mayo Clinic campus in Florida have observed that a drug now being tested to treat a range of human cancers significantly inhibited colon cancer development in mice. Because the agent appears to have minimal side effects, it may represent an effective chemopreventive therapy in people at high risk for colon cancer, the researchers say........

  • Inflammation colon cancer link

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:56
    (New York, February 2, 2009) -- While chronic inflammation is widely thought to bea predisposing factor for colon cancer, the exact mechanisms linking these conditions have remained elusive. Researchers at the Melbourne Branch of the international Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR) and the Technical University Munich have jointly discovered a new piece of this puzzle by demonstrating how the Stat3 protein links inflammation to tumor development, a discovery that may well lead to the identification of new therapeutic targets for colon cancer........

  • Fluorouracil-based Therapy May Cure Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-27 04:08:55
    Adjuvant fluorouracil-based chemotherapy can lead to significant disease-free survival in colon cancer patients and may do even better in some, scientists report in an advance on-line issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology. As lead investigator Dr. Daniel Sargent told Reuters Health, "The primary clinical implications of this research are that adjuvant fluorouracil-based therapy actually cures colon cancer patients -- as opposed to simply delaying a recurrence -- and that most relapses occur in the first 2 years after surgery"........

  • NICE recommends azacitidine for myelodysplastic syndromes

    Updated: 2011-03-24 15:00:00
    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has approved a drug called azacitidine (brand name Vidaza) for people with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) - a group of conditions that affect the bone marrow.

  • Lab tests suggest arthritis drug could slow melanoma skin cancer growth

    Updated: 2011-03-23 17:31:00
    In research published in Nature, an international team of scientists have shown that an existing rheumatoid arthritis drug can slow down the growth of malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. The research was done in zebrafish and mice.

  • Majority of women satisfied with breast cancer surgery services

    Updated: 2011-03-23 09:52:00
    The majority of women who have a mastectomy or breast reconstruction surgery as part of their treatment for breast cancer say they receive high-quality care, an audit has found.

  • Over 12 per cent more bowel cancer cases found in over 60s because of screening

    Updated: 2011-03-23 00:03:00
    Bowel cancer rates in 60 to 69 year olds went up by more than 12 per cent in England from 2006 to 2008, according to the latest figures from Cancer Research UK.

  • Senectus Therapeutics and AstraZeneca collaborate to identify triggers to cell ageing

    Updated: 2011-03-23 00:01:00
    Senectus Therapeutics has signed a deal to screen a selection of AstraZeneca¿s chemical compound library to identify those which trigger a key element of cancer cell ageing ¿ called senescence.

  • Trial results confirm five years of tamoxifen boosts breast cancer survival

    Updated: 2011-03-21 20:01:00
    Experts are urging breast cancer patients to complete their full prescription of tamoxifen, following long-term results from a major Cancer Research UK-funded trial which showed the cancer was less likely to come back in women who took the drug for five years, compared to two years.

  • Counting lung cancer cells opens window on disease

    Updated: 2011-03-21 20:00:00
    CANCER RESEARCH UK scientists have found that counting the number of lung cancer cells circulating in the blood could determine how aggressive the cancer is and predict the best treatment to use.

  • Mar 19, Ileostomy and what foods to avoid?

    Updated: 2011-03-19 16:10:27
    What foods should I avoid with an ileostomy

  • Mar 19, What can I drink after bowel removal surgery?

    Updated: 2011-03-19 16:09:42
    Can a person with bowel removed drink cranberry juice

  • Mar 18, How much time does it take to cure colon cancer?

    Updated: 2011-03-18 00:26:22
    how much time does it take to cure colon cancer

  • Mar 16, Colon cancer with a liver lesion and second primary (prostate)

    Updated: 2011-03-16 21:16:02
    After colonoscopy to biopsy a primary tumor, what are the next steps to address suspected stage 4 mCRC? CT showed lesion on intestine and liver. Will

  • Mar 16, having children after chemotherapy for colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-16 21:15:28
    in 2006 my husband has colon cancer then he go to the TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL(BOMBEY) for his checkup and surgery. then he came our country Dhaka, & took

  • Mar 16, vomiting after colon cancer surgery?

    Updated: 2011-03-16 21:13:14
    Is it normal to have lots of vomiting after colon cancer surgery?

  • Mar 16, Post op infections in abdominal cavity

    Updated: 2011-03-16 21:12:43
    My father had surgery for bowel cancer ten months ago and 48 hours later a blood transfusion due internal bleeding. His abdomen was packed with gauze for

  • Mar 16, Colonoscopy and great doctors saved my life and got the tumor growth -better it than me

    Updated: 2011-03-16 21:11:26
    I am a white female, 47 (I was 45 when diagnosed), and did not represent your typical colon cancer patient. But, after years of gastrointestinal problems

  • Unusual treatment of colonic perforation

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    Colonoscopy is considered a safe procedure, eventhough complications can occur. The most dreaded of these is iatrogenic perforation. The literature reports perforation rates of 0.03%-0.8% for diagnostic procedures, and a rate of 0.15%-3% for therapeutic procedures. Mechanisms of perforation are the result of either mechanical disruption of the colonic wall (e.g. thermal injury, forced push into a diverticulum, or stretching of the bowel with loops or the slide-by technique) or excessive air insufflation. After perforation, prompt abdominal surgery is often recommended, especially in the last few years, following the introduction of laparoscopic approaches in clinical practice. Nevertheless, conservative therapy is a feasible and effective option for patients who are clinically stable and without peritonism or life threatening signs........

  • Virtual colonoscopy and teleradiology in rural areas

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    Computed tomography colonography (CTC) otherwise known as virtual colonoscopy is feasible in remote health centers where optimal colonoscopy is limited, as per a research studyin the recent issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology (www.ajronline.org). The study waccording toformed at Fort Defiance Indian Hospital in Fort Defiance, AZ, and Tuba City Regional Health Care Center in Tuba City, AZ, both of which are rural medical centers serving Native American, mainly Navajo, populations. After brief on-site instruction, including performing a CTC examination on a volunteer to train the CT technologists, both sites began performing CTC........

  • Curry And Onions May Prevent Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    A small but informative clinical trial by Johns Hopkins researchers shows that a pill combining chemicals found in turmeric, a spice used in curries, and onions reduces both the size and number of premalignant lesions in the human intestinal tract. In the study, reported in the recent issue of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, five patients with an inherited form of premalignant polyps in the lower bowel known as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) were treated with regular doses of curcumin (the chemical found in turmeric) and quercetin, an antioxidant in onions, over an average of six months. The average number of polyps dropped 60.4 percent, and the average size dropped by 50.9 percent, as per a team led by Francis M. Giardiello, M.D., at the Division of Gastroenterology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Marcia Cruz-Correa, M.D., Ph.D., at Johns Hopkins and the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine........

  • Suggest your News Item To Medicineworld

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    As you are aware we are the leading publishers of health news on the web. We publish news items in various forms including numerous blogs and news items. We invite you to participate in our new collection. We are looking for quality news items that would be interesting to our readers. Now you may suggest the news item from your site to be included at Medicineworld.org. Inclusion of news item at our site get instantaneous attention since the item is illustrated from various blog posts. Addition of pictures to the item adds additional attraction to your news item. Inclusion in the Medicineworld.org site brings quality links and visitors to your site........

  • Avastin And Taxol For Breast Cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    Avastin, and anti-angiogenesis drug is now showing promise in the treatment of patients with metastatic breast cancer. A new research led by Dr Robin Zon, of Michiana Hematology-Oncology, PC in South Bend, Indiana has shown that combining Avastin with Taxol improves outcome in patients with metastatic breast cancer. The study has shown that a combination of Avastin and Taxol is more effective in prevention of progression of breast cancer compared to using Taxol alone........

  • Test For Patients With Colorectal Cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59

  • Computer-Aided Polyp Detection Software

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59

  • Vaccine Against Colorectal Cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    British scientists have developed a vaccine that stimulates colorectal cancer patients' immune systems to fight malignant cells. In a clinical trial of 67 patients, scientists at the University of Nottingham found that when the vaccines were administered before and after surgery to remove malignant tumors, they helped stimulated immune cell production in up to 70 percent of patients. These results are reported in the November 15 issue of Clinical Cancer Research........

  • Preventing bowel cancer in high risk families

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59

  • Adiponectin And Risk Of Colon Cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59

  • Virtual Colonoscopy More Expensive

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center scientists have observed that "virtual" colonoscopy using a computer tomography (CT) scanner is considerably more expensive than the traditional procedure due to the detection of suspicious images outside of the colon. "Virtual colonoscopy will certainly play a role in the future of colon cancer screening," said gastroenterologist Richard S. Bloomfeld, M.S., M.D., assistant professor of medicine at Wake Forest Baptist and a member of the research team. "It is important to understand the implications of findings outside the colon before we advocate wide-spread use of this technology"........

  • Scientists Stop Colon Cancer Growth In Mice

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    Scientists from Texas were able to stop the growth of colon cancer in mice by blocking just one enzyme. They say that this is a big step against conquering cancer. Even though this was an experiment on mice, these scientists hope that their findings might soon find its way to human cancers including colon cancer........

  • New Way To Treat Colon Cancer?

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    Scientists at University of Utah's Huntsman Cancer Institute have discovered a new target for possible future colon cancer therapys a molecule that is implicated in 85 percent of colon cancer cases. These findings were published online Oct. 6, 2006, in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. By knocking out that is, genetically disabling a molecule called C-Terminal Binding Protein (CTBP) scientists were able to rescue zebrafish from the effects of a mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene........

  • Pharmacogenomics For Colorectal Cancer Treatment

    Updated: 2011-03-16 05:11:59
    University of Chicago scientists have licensed a genetic test that determines which patients are likely to have a serious adverse reaction to irinotecan hydrochloride (Camptosarandreg;), a key component of the standard first-line therapy for advanced cancers of the colon and rectum, to Mayo Clinic........

  • HPV home tests could improve cervical screening uptake

    Updated: 2011-03-16 00:02:00
    Home tests for the human papillomavirus (HPV) could help increase the take-up of cervical screening among women who do not respond to screening invitations, new research shows today.

  • Mediterranean Foods Prevent Breast Cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-15 17:29:40
    March 8th it is a tribute to the woman- the mother, the sister, the friend, the girlfriend and wife – and it is celebrated throughout the world as the woman’s day. In some countries, like the ex Soviet Union countries, it is even a Bank holiday. One of the most common diseases that the women [...]

  • Cancer Research UK urges government to 'strengthen' alcohol commitment

    Updated: 2011-03-15 16:48:00
    Cancer Research UK has signed up to the Responsibility Deal announced by health secretary Andrew Lansley today (March 15th)

  • Cancer Research UK launches groundbreaking research centre in Oxford

    Updated: 2011-03-15 00:02:00
    A new centre launched today will cement Oxford's place at the forefront of cancer research, and form one of the final links in a unique chain of Cancer Research UK Centres across the country.

  • Mar 14, colon cancer stage 3

    Updated: 2011-03-14 00:18:50
    Hi I am now 2 years cancer free and asked what my odds of it coming back my DR. said one in five . I am good but still a little scared . Just want to know

  • Mar 14, Prognosis with cancer in three parts of the body

    Updated: 2011-03-14 00:18:23
    My best friend has colon, lung and liver cancer. She has had one chemo treatment and her blood count was too low to have the second. Doctors thought

  • Mar 14, Recovery 8 months after colon surgery

    Updated: 2011-03-14 00:17:39
    I am recovering from having over a foot of my colon removed. It's been 8 mos and I am still really tired. I have heard it could take up to a year to feel

  • Mar 14, Alcohol permitted before a colonoscopy?

    Updated: 2011-03-14 00:16:40
    can I drink alcohol prior to colonoscopy ?

  • Mar 11, Colonoscopy: Do You HAVE To Lie On Your Left Side

    Updated: 2011-03-11 22:56:56
    I am scheduled for a colonoscopy in 3 weeks. Everything I have read indicates that you lie on your left side. I have severe arthritis in my left shoulder

  • Mar 10, Surgery for polyp removal

    Updated: 2011-03-10 00:35:15
    A friend just had a polyp removed. The doctor said it was very large and hard to remove. How long with the recovery time be? The doctor said several

  • Mar 10, Acceptable meats after colon cancer surgery

    Updated: 2011-03-10 00:34:40
    Is meatloaf an acceptable meat after colon cancer surgery

  • Cancer Research Technology, The ICR and ZoBio BV sign deal to develop cancer drugs

    Updated: 2011-03-10 00:01:00
    Cancer Research Technology (CRT) and The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) have signed a deal with Dutch drug discovery company, ZoBio BV, to discover and develop drugs to block a DNA repair target which may play a role in cancer cell survival.

  • Government unveils new tobacco control plan

    Updated: 2011-03-09 17:02:00
    The government has published a new tobacco control plan, aimed at reducing smoking rates and helping tackle the damage caused by tobacco.

  • High levels of HDL cholesterol 'may cut colon cancer risk'

    Updated: 2011-03-09 15:00:00
    High levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or 'good cholesterol') may be associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer, a European study suggests.

  • Two-thirds of smokers want to quit

    Updated: 2011-03-09 14:58:00
    Nearly two-thirds of smokers in Britain want to give up, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

  • Ovarian cancer survival doubles in 30 years

    Updated: 2011-03-09 00:01:00
    Survival from ovarian cancer has almost doubled over the last 30 years according to new figures from Cancer Research UK released today.

  • More Race for Life participants raising money online

    Updated: 2011-03-08 15:18:00
    There has been a 30 per cent increase in the number of Race for Life participants setting up online fundraising pages this year, Cancer Research UK and JustGiving have revealed.

  • Lung cancer rates double in women over 60

    Updated: 2011-03-07 00:01:00
    Lung cancer rates have doubled for women over 60 since the mid 1970s according to new Cancer Research UK figures released today (Monday) ahead of No Smoking Day this Wednesday.

  • Mar 6, sigmoid stage 4

    Updated: 2011-03-06 18:33:30
    how long can this stage go on, before you die

  • Mar 6, Do you need surgery immediately for colon cancer?

    Updated: 2011-03-06 18:33:08
    If u found out you had colon cancer, would it mean immediate surgery and could it cause a tear in your colo

  • Natural Constipation Remedies and Their Use

    Updated: 2011-03-05 13:10:18
    Most people have dealt with constipation at one point or another in their life. This can be somewhat of an embarrassment, so many that suffer with this condition hesitate to talk about or ask about potential remedies that can be taken and how to use them. Use this article and the links at the bottom for information on how to get relief of constipation symptoms.

  • Advanced breast cancer drug eribulin shows promise in phase-III trial

    Updated: 2011-03-04 14:45:00
    A new drug derived from chemicals in marine sponges may help to extend the lives of patients with advanced breast cancer, according to the results of a recent phase-III trial.

  • Critical step towards DNA test to detect early bowel cancer

    Updated: 2011-03-04 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have discovered for the first time that DNA methylation patterns - a key process in cell development - could accurately detect early bowel cancer, according to research published in Gut, today.

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